Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weight Loss Exercise Program 10 Essential Tips

healthy diet for weight loss

A lot of people have made a resolution to lose weight in the coming new year. It is one of the more popular resolutions and has been for a very long time. Losing weight is a good thing, but it is a difficult resolution to keep and most people will give up before they even get started.
There are several ways to lose weight. A diet of some kind is the way people usually try to drop those pounds. You seldom hear someone say, "Im starting a weight management program to lose weight". But weight management is the key to reaching and keeping your ideal weight. And, exercise is a vital part of the management process. The ads you see would have you believe that a toned body is result of dieting, but you cant get six-pack abs or a bikini-ready body by changing what you eat. The best programs involve both diet and exercise. The body has to use more calories than you take in. There is no other way.
If you have been following the articles on my website, you know that weight loss and self-improvement go hand-in-hand. You have to find a program that you understand and can live with if you want to make consistent improvement in the way you look. Starting and keeping an exercise program is more difficult that just dieting. It can also lead to sore muscles, and takes more commitment and time. Thats why most people wont continue and exercise program.
If you are committed to use an exercise program here are ten tips that will help make it more successful:
1. Check with your doctor first. It is always a good idea to make sure there are no medical problems that will restrict the kind of exercise program you can use. This is particularly important for an older (over 40? or 50?) person or have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure or several other conditions such as diabetes, arthritis or asthma.
2. Find your exercise program. Your doctor may be able to suggest one that will satisfy your requirements. You might get some recommendations from your friends who have an exercise program. Visit the facility, if you use one, and make sure that you will be comfortable with the environment and can get help and advice if you need it. An advisor can be a valuable part of a program.
3. Set some goals. Dont use just weight loss as a goal. Make something more visible, such as losing a dress size or buy a pair of jeans and make getting into them the goal. Having a visible goal will help keep your motivation intact and improve your chances of success. Your goal could also include something like, feeling better, improving joint mobility or reducing knee or arthritis pain.
4. Start slowly and gradually progress. Pain will happen when you start using your muscles more vigorously. Start slowly to avoid the severe muscle pain that makes it difficult to continue the program and reduce the chances of injury. As you progress, you can add more weight or resistance to help make you stronger and lose more weight.
5. Warm up before you exercise. Physical exercise is strenuous. A warm-up period is necessary to make sure your respiratory rate, heart rate, blood flow and nutrient levels are increased to compensate for the additional work your body is going to do. Ignoring a warm-up stage will increase your risk of injury to your large muscles.
Warming up is vital for older people and overweight people. Us older folks have tissues that are not as supple and joints that are as fluid, and sometimes, weaker hearts than younger people. Sudden exercise can cause heart attacks to older people and people who are overweight.
6. Have variety in the exercise program. A program that includes stretching exercises, aerobics and strength training will help you achieve the greatest result and keep you from getting bored with the program. Most exercise programs encourage a three-day a week regimen. You could also sprinkle in some other activities, such as basketball or dancing on the off days.
7. Wear the proper clothes. Spandex is fine, but you need freedom of movement when you start exercising. Make sure the clothes and shoes you wear fit properly (not too tight and not too loose) and are appropriate for the activities you are doing. Usually, a pair of sweats will do just fine to start.
8. Keep track of your progress. You might not see a sudden lose of pounds, but you might see a higher energy level. It is important to keep track of other signs of progress, such as walking further, doing more or even climbing stairs without getting out of breath. Keeping track of these signs of progress will help keep you motivated and on track to achieve your goals.
9. Exercise with a friend. Lets face it, exercising with a friend is more fun and you can help keep each other motivated and on track. Encouragement and friendly competition is a wonderful thing.
10. Most importantly, have fun. Nothing kills an exercise program faster than boredom. If you choose a program or activity you like, you will be more likely to stick with it and be successful.
Diet and exercise are necessary to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise is good for the health and everyone is encouraged to get pumped up. Remember though, there are some necessary precautions to take not only to get the most from your workout, but also to stay safe and healthy.
Marshall Crum is a safety professional and enjoys writing articles about health and safety issues and other subjects of interest that provide help for people who are looking for ways to improve their health to look and feel better about themselves. Successful weight loss and self-improvement is a special interest. If youre serious about losing weight permanently and safely, visit Weightlossdiettips101 for information, tips and free e-books that will help you succeed in this most difficult task.

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healthy diet for weight loss

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