Friday, March 7, 2014

Incredible and Healthy Diet Plan for Diabetics

healthy diet for weight loss

Diabetes is ?a commonly known disease and with passage of time it is becoming more and more common amongst people. One will not be surprised to hear that a 28 year boy or a girl is suffering from diabetes. And once a person is diagnosed with diabetes everyone including him panics about the diet to follow and the food intake to adhere to.

As a result many diabetics are misguided and they end up following a diet which is not healthy for them. Below mentioned is a diet plan to shred some weights off from your body specially customized for diabetic patient. However, it is advisable that before starting a diet one should consult his/ her doctor.

A diabetic should avoid fried and high calorie food. A diabetes patient can eat normal food but must avoid food with sugar and starch. It is suggested that diabetics should eat after every 2-3 hours in moderate quantities. They must not over eat and must have control over their taste buds to ignore the cravings for sweets.

Walking for almost 45 minutes every day is very healthy for diabetes patients. And they should try to follow a strict walk routine in their daily life. It is not advisable that they use any fancy instruments or go for a crash diet to lose the weight, but they should follow a healthy and a normal routine to stay healthy.

Diabetic patients must avoid the canned foods and canned drinks. They shall also avoid the junk food to control their diabetes. Diabetics should try to include food with high fibre and very low fat. They should also stay away from pickles and must eat or drink sugar free products.

There is a substitute available for sugar, however, as per research even that substitute does not lead one to the healthy way of living. For a better and a healthy diet it is important that one must follow a routine of nutritious food and exercise.

Sophia is a professional article writer and a Journalist. You can find more articles of her regarding Diabetes diet plan from

healthy diet for weight loss

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