Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Diet Plans That Work Best Weekly Diet Meal Plan

healthy diet for weight loss

There are lots of diet plans out there, and some are better than others. However, when you are trying to lose weight, its best that you follow a seven day diet plan that lays out exactly what foods youll be eating on a daily basis.

This type of plan usually gives you a menu that tells you what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some diets will give you a bunch of recipes to try out then leave you on your own to plan the meals. However, if you have really struggled in the past to lose weight, it may be better to know exactly what to prepare for each meal.

Dieting is a major commitment and many people fall by the wayside when left to their own devices when it comes time to actually preparing meals. If its perceived as too much of a chore, then this could be one more reason to abandon the diet. Trying to figure out how many calories each type of food has and then fixing the right portions can be a hassle.

There are lots of great calorie based diet plans that do all the work for you, so all you have to do is buy the ingredients and prepare them, which usually doesnt take long. Some diet menu plans will even let you order meals already prepared, so all you have to do is heat them up in your microwave.

Heres an example of a daily diet menu:

Breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup cherries, 2 tablespoons nuts

Lunch - 3 oz. grilled chicken, 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta w/olive oil, 1 cup grape tomatoes

Dinner - Shrimp salad with fresh lettuce, fresh fruit

When you go to choose a diet plan, be sure to pick one that rotates calories, and includes enough protein, carbs and good fat. Yes, fat is okay to eat as long as you dont overindulge. In fact, recent studies have shown that a strict low fat diet eating plan doesnt produce significant weight loss gains, and in fact, may cause people to gain weight.

A calorie rotation diet plan is the best choice because it includes a variety of healthy foods and you wont feel like youre starving in order to lose weight. In fact, on this type of plan youll have plenty of energy and feel great.

Finally, you can melt away the fat and have the body youve always wanted.

Unlock the secret to losing weight fast and permanently. Smash through those hidden habits that cause you to fail. Conquer yo-yo dieting for good and rediscover your health. Now is the time for a fabulous new you!


healthy diet for weight loss

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