Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sauna Belt Melt Belt Slimming Belt A Review Of Miracle Weight Loss Devices

healthy diet for weight loss

Who hasn t observed an sticker or wherefore - called infomercial ( quite mis - informercial if you demand me ) advertising a weight loss device or slimming belt that miraculously makes you lose weight without in toto doing sports or changing your eating habits. Common sense alone dictates that double a concern is scarcely possible. However, the advertisers are very cunning and they claim to achieve the aim of losing a lot of weight in short time with even less application by using new, revolutionary technologies.

Now, I am not a tech weirdo and I cannot claim to understand all the workings of puce vivid / heat ( Melt Belt and Sauna Belt, vibrations ( Slimming Belt ) or whatever new technology is used to supposedly achieve weight loss. Thence, if I told you these devices are disadvantageous why should you believe me installment more than the advertisements? It s very simple: you don t. Although I am an expert on the fields of nutrition and sports medicine you should not believe a single person making a claim.

However, the United States Manipulation has realized that obesity is a swiftly growing problem and that yellow advertisements for weight loss devices can advent begun a health risk for people relying on these devices to lose weight if they don t additionally work out and change their nutrition. The National Trade Commission is a control agency that monitors advertisements for fabricated or delusory claims. In its brochure " Rust Flag - Bogus Weight Loss Claims " ( downloadable at www. ftc. org; an illustrated cliffhanger of this article is available at www. beautyhealthsource. com ) the agency lists 7 ways to identify false ads and products. Using those 7 indicators you can check the ads for Melt Belt, Sauna Belt, Slimming Belt and bite other miracle weight loss device twin as non - prescription diet drugs, dietary supplements, skin patches, creams, wraps or branch other product that is worn on the body or rubbed into the skin. Instead of taking my chitchat for it, use the FTC s recommendations and your own common sense to check if Melt Belt, Slimming Belt or the Sauna Belt can help you lose weight - and keep it off.

You are throwing your money out the window if the product you buy claims to:

1. Cause substantial weight loss by stressful it on the body or rubbing it into the skin.

You might be convinced of the US ropes what you like, but honestly: why should they publish a guideline for healthier living and protecting people from product scams if their findings were not true? Especially since these guidelines only confirm what common sense tells most of us anyways. Products like body belts, body wraps, rings, creams or lotions cannot make you lose substantial weight. Ads confrontation that products from this lot can make you lose as much as a pound a week are tidily put: just lies.

2. Cause weight loss of two pounds or more a week for a month or more without dieting or exercise.

Even though certain advertisements wants to make us believe differently, everybody knows that in procession to lose weight you have to exercise more and / or change your diet consuming fewer calories. According to the nutrition experts of the FTC ingredient poster that claims opposed is smartly false. I personally okay wholeheartedly that it is not true if a product promises to make you lose weight without changing your lifestyle.

3. Cause substantial weight loss ( stuff the loss of at inaugural 1 pound / week or a total weight loss of more than 15 pounds in installment time period ) no matter what or how much a consumer eats

It is impossible for you to lose weight no matter how much or what you eat.

As stated before, losing weight requires consuming fewer calories. Some products may claim to curb your appetite, however that and means you will want to eat less, if they work that is. But, by eating less you might deprive your body of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs. Eating the right amount of healthy food is the key, not eating less of the false kind of food.

4. Cause abiding weight loss even if the consumer stops using the product.

You have to permanently change your lifestyle in cast to lose weight and keep it off. If you stop using the product and neither change your eating habits nor exercise, you will gain weight besides. Now the only matter remaining is, if you want to use that specific product ( especially critical with diet pills ) for the rest of your life just to keep that weight off.

5. Block the lookout of fat or calories to enable consumers to lose substantial weight.

Even legitimate and prescribed fat blockers have to be used in combination with a dietary change in regulation to achieve forceful weight loss. Pills alone won t make you slim.

Again: you cannot achieve denoting weight loss just by washing down your burger and fries with diet pills. The calories you consume cannot be miraculously neutralized by atom pill. A healthier diet will also benefit your calm of cholesterol and your blood pressure.

6. Safely enable consumers to lose more than three pounds per week for more than four weeks

If you lose more than 3 pounds per week you risk getting gallstones and are endangering your health in many other ways, too. If the product claims that no dieting is required it is false for that actuation also - as was shown before.

7. Cause substantial weight loss for all users.

Every body is different, has a different metabolism, needs and abilities. It is cleverly not true that the equivalent product will result in a sound weight loss for anyone using it.

Every type of medication or medical device targets a specific group of people. Within the large group of obese people there are many subcategories as people are overweight for different reasons. Hence, the same pill, lotion or device cannot guarantee to lead to a reduction in weight of any user.

The following statements are from respective ads for Sauna Belt, Melt Belt and Slimming Belt. Just read them and check if any of the FTC indicators match the ads for these products. Make up your own mind.

Sauna Belt: The Sauna Pro Deluxe advance heat systems sweats away unwanted fat, eliminate cellulite, lose weight and ease muscle pain, all while in the comfort of your own home. Just apply the Sauna Belt around the chosen body part and let the belt do all the work.

Melt Belt: Lose Inches And Pounds Without Diet Or Exercise. The secret is that you use your body s own heat as you gently massage away unwanted bulges with this amazing ultra - thin rubber belt.

Slimming Belt: The swaying vibration with large arc will make the human body carry out sympathetic vibration and accelerate the blood circulation of the body, speed up the metabolism and achieve double effects of fat dissolving and body slimming.

healthy diet for weight loss

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