Sunday, March 9, 2014

Start Your Healthy Eating Plan Today And Forget About That Diet Plan

healthy diet for weight loss

What is the secret of weight loss?

Well its no secret that weight loss is all about making healthy choices in life.

A diet, however, is something that people start for a short time to lose some weight. Whether that weight is lost or not the diet plan is normally only short lived; statistics show that the average length of time is 3 months before it is abandoned. Many people will then attempt another diet plan after some time, with the same inevitable result. This constant hopping from one diet plan to another and the subsequent yo-yoing of weight is a very common occurrence with millions of the people throughout the world that attempt to reach happiness through dieting.

And that is fundamentally where they are going wrong.

Healthy living, healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight is a lifestyle choice. It should not be something that you merely pick up when you need to lose a few pounds and then put down again after a few weeks.

If you are one of the many people that wish to lose weight; that hate the way they look in the mirror, hate the fact that every year their clothes no longer fit and they have gone up another size or two. If you wonder how can I stop eating fattening food, or just stop overeating. If you are one of these people, and I know what it is like because I was there myself for many years, then why keep yourself attached to the way of life that holds you trapped in this body and lifestyle that you dislike?

To adopt the diet mentality is to take on a temporary, transitory status.

If you really want, to reach your ideal weight and have permanent weight loss then there has to be a lifestyle change.

Adopt a healthy eating plan. There is so much tasty food out there that you can really enjoy and that is not going to make you fat. Why eat burgers and pies and cakes and whatever else? In reality it is easy to stop eating junk food. Once you make that initial break and feel the buzz from losing your weight and you begin to feel healthier; then the desire for junk food diminishes.

You are what you eat is a very true maxim. If your diet is high in fat and calories and consists mainly of junk food then you are going to feel lethargic. You will not have the energy or inspiration to participate in many things. You may find that you have mood swings as you follow the highs and lows of your blood sugar levels. Your stomach, bowel and digestive tract may not be performing efficiently as they struggle to deal with the junk food that you put through your body. Your skin may be blotchy and spotty through lack of the required vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Heavens, it is no wonder that you never feel like moving from that armchair and that the thought of exercise is enough to send you to the bottom of the biscuit have no energy!

Sadly, you are missing out on many of the wonderful things in life like feeling healthy and energetic and liking the person that you see in the mirror.

It takes a big effort to get started, I know it does, but once you have that motivation then it is like a snowball rolling down a mountain. It has its own momentum and you do not have to keep on pushing. The feeling that you get as the weight comes off and you can see the ideal you emerging is indescribable.

You suddenly have energy because you are getting all of your bodies requirements from your food. Your skin has a shine and a glow to it. There is colour in your cheeks because you are exercising regularly and your blood is circulating properly and whats more you are actually enjoying it. Actually enjoying exercise! You may find that hard to believe but its true and the buzz from the endorphins that are released from your exercising is far higher and lasts far longer than the buzz that you ever got from eating chocolate.

Your life is changing. You are shedding the fat person that you have carried around for so long. You are revealing the real you and it is so exciting that you cannot wait to wake up every morning and carry on with this wonderful life.

There is no greater buzz than reaching your ideal weight and maintaining it and the journey is almost as good as the arrival.

Isnt it time that you realised that this is a journey for life, a wonderful healthy journey that you are so going to enjoy.

Stop wasting your time and energy with temporary diet plans that do not work.

Begin your healthy eating plan today, right now, and begin to discover the real you.

I am an ex-overweight person who was fortunate enough, many years ago, to find a healthy eating plan that helped me to lose a life-changing amount of weight. I have since maintained that weight loss. I have studied diet and nutrition for many years and I have a passion for health and fitness. I have studied yoga in England and India. I have a diploma to teach yoga from the B.S.Y. and also from the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Ashram in Majurai, Southern India. I am currently enjoying expanding my new weight loss website. For further weight loss advice and tips click here =>

healthy diet for weight loss

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