Thursday, March 6, 2014

Diet Plans To Lose 25 Pounds Fast!

healthy diet for weight loss

There are so many diet plans to lose 25 pounds that fail. I am about to give you a quick overview of a diet that will help you lose 25 pounds pretty quickly. Not only that its in a healthy manner and if you keep doing it you can lose even more. This article might not be the most well written, but if you follow it you will lose weight.

-Eat oatmeal every other morning along with one fruit of your choice. On the other morning you should eat a small bowl of cereal or some lean chicken/fruits. Make sure you do not exceed 550 calories for this small meal.

-Eat a small meal of around 350 calories around noon that consist of mainly lean meats, fruits, vegetables or whole grains. Stay away from all fast food as well as any other fattening foods like pizza, fried chicken etc.

-Eat another meal thats around 300 calories around 3 pm in the afternoon. This meal will consist of perhaps some brown rice, lean meat and some yogurt. Just make sure you keep the calories right around 300-350. Many diet plans to lose 25 pounds tell you to eat less, but if you keep the calories low it actually raises the metabolism and helps you burn more fat.

-Eat your last meal of the day at around 7:30 pm and make it around 400 calories. Again this should consist of lean meats, fruits and veggies.

Keep in mind its ok if you slip up say once every two days, you will also need to increase your exercise of course. Run around a half mile to mile per day for 5 days a week. I must also advise that you consult your doctor first before trying this new diet as he/she should be aware of any diet changes. I hope you like this diet plans to lose 25 pounds and wish you good luck. If you need any more help check out my bio box below. Have a great day!

John is a self proclaimed Weight Loss Enthusiast. Hurry and you can get a step by step weight loss ebook and see a powerful weight loss method at his site at his site and see more Diet Plans To Lose 25 Pounds now!

healthy diet for weight loss

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