Monday, March 10, 2014

Protein Power Diet Plan

healthy diet for weight loss

As obesity problems continue to grow, more and more people are looking for diet program that can reduce their weight effectively one of those diet programs is protein power diet plan. It is very effective diet plan because the latest research indicates that protein has numerous benefits for helping people to lose weight.

One problem common found in diet program is the difficulty to overcome the feeling of starvation all the time. That is one benefit that you will love from protein power diet plan, it helps you feel full all the time during your diet periods.

Protein helps you controlling carbohydrates cravings. Carbohydrates trigger your brain to crave for more carbohydrates. It makes you feel hungry for carbohydrates all the time and eventually lead to overweight. If you eat protein with carbohydrates it will reduce the cravings feelings.

Simple addition of protein to your breakfast can help you lose weight greatly. Adequate daily protein intake can help building and maintaining lean muscle mass. The higher percentage of lean muscle that you have, the more calories you can burn. It also helps to prevent your body from fatal side effects caused by your diet programs. If your body does not contain enough protein, your body will begin to lose weight from heart, muscles and other organs.

There are three different phases of protein power diet plan:

Intervention - this is the first phase from protein diet program. In this phase, you only eat 7-10 grams of carbohydrates per meal. And the amount of protein that you should consume will be calculated based on the protein diet formula.
Transition - In this phase, you will experience an increase of carbohydrates up to 50 grams per day.
Maintenance - In this last phase, you will maintain the amount of carbohydrates that you can consume without your body gaining weight again.You should understand not all foods are created equal. The calories that you get from prime ribs will be different from the calories that you get from turkey or white meat. This is the list of recommended foods from protein power diet plan: all types of beef, eggs, chicken, pork, turkey, non-starch vegetables, very limited amount of grain products, dried beans and small portion of fruits. And the lists of the prohibited foods are cereal, rice, pasta products, bread, pop corns, sweet fruits, peas, and refined sugar.

Want to learn more about protein power diet? Visit us at to get more information

healthy diet for weight loss

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