Monday, March 10, 2014

Simple Ways to Make Your Change in Diet Plans Successful

healthy diet for weight loss

It has rarely been said that diet plans are exciting, tasty and something that people look forward to. In fact, the term "diet plan" itself sounds bland and tasteless. There is a reason for this, though. Diet plans are meant to be restrictive in many ways. Either you cut back the amount of food you eat, you change the food you eat, or altogether change how you eat. Again, not something many people forward to unless their current eating habits have them in pain each and every day.

But realistically, many do not enjoy diet plans because they do not know how to build one... or the one they adopt is incomplete. The problem with incomplete diet plans is that they will not satisfy your bodys needs. This in turn leaves you hungry or not completely satisfied by the meal you just ate. Here are some very basic things you should incorporate into your diet plan to make it satisfying in terms of taste and fullness.

1. Remember to drink water before and during meals. Water will give your stomach a full feeling, meaning you will be more inclined to stop eating once the meal is done rather than look for seconds and sometimes thirds.

2. Serve one portion of protein, carbs and vegetables with your meal. If you are unsure how big a portion really is, simply look at your hand. That is a portion. (Alternately, make a fist for volume).

3. Eat every two to three hours, but never go more than three hours between meals. Yes, each meal should be the same portion size. You can skip vegetables and have them only every other meal, but if you are hungry (or starving) then certainly indulge in a serving of vegetables as well. Most vegetables have tons of fiber, so having vegetables with every meal will not hurt.

If you lead a very busy lifestyle or you travel a lot with work and find fitting in meals difficult, you can alternate between "real" food and meal supplements, like protein or meal shakes. However, you want to be careful about what goes into each of these replacement meals and ensure you are not ingesting too many calories. As well, another nutritional figure you will want to note is the fat content. Try to keep this figure below 7 grams when replacing meals with shakes or meal bars.

By sticking to these simple "rule," your diet plan might not become an exciting menu of great foods. However, it will make changing your diet lifestyle a simpler one.

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Chris has been writing about health and fitness issues for nearly 2 years. He maintains specialized, informational websites like, a website about Tub-and-Shower Faucets [].

healthy diet for weight loss

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