Monday, February 17, 2014

Parkersburg Neck Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic Therapy

healthy diet for weight loss
By Andreas Paschar

When individuals experience a pain in their neck the cause may be from any number of events. Pain in ones neck is often bothersome, since this structure alone is responsible to support the twelve or more pounds of the head. In addition to providing support, cervical spine must bend, flex and turn. When pain strikes, a Parkersburg chiropractor may provide help.

Sudden forced movement of ones head and neck in one direction followed by a rebound in the opposite direction often results in a painful injury known as whiplash. Muscles grow tight and contracted causing pain, fatigue and stiffness. Such injuries commonly occur in car wrecks or on the athletic playing field.

Pain may result from the process of aging. As a person grows older he might experience osteoarthritis that causes the protective layer of cartilage to deteriorate. Degenerative disc disease causes discs to shrink and become less elastic providing less support to the vertebrae. Spinal stenosis results in the passagechoices becoming narrower and press on nerves that must pass through them.

Some pain may be due to life choices. When individuals do not exercise they lack core strength. When they use poor posture or are obese, they may disrupt their spinal balance. The neck bends forward in an unnatural curve to compensate. When one adds emotional tension or stress to the condition, there may be excruciating pain.

Chiropractors may use physical and neurological exams to locate the source of their neck pain. If needed, the doctor sometimes orders tests, including x-rays, MRI or CT scans in order to determine the underlying problem. By adding together the results of tests and exams, an effective therapy plan is developed to reduce ones suffering.

A Parkersburg chiropractor may use a spinal adjustment to restore balance to the spine. The adjustment helps to improve range of motion and reduce inflammation. With chiropractic care, many patients are able to experience far less pain in their neck.

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