Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fitness Weight Loss Tip Turning Fat Into Muscle

healthy diet for weight loss
OK, before we get started, let me clear up a myth...YOU CANNOT TURN FAT INTO MUSCLE!!!! PERIOD!!!!
Anyone who says you CAN turn fat into muscle is flat out lying to you! "But Andrew, I hear this is the only way to change your physique, by turning unwanted fat into sex appealing muscle. Now youre saying this cant be done? Can you explain this?"
Sure Ill explain. Its really quite simplewhen you think about it. Fat does not turn into muscle, you know why? Because this function of the human body is impossible! Heres the deal, and if you think about it, it totally makes sense. You can BURN fat and you can BUILD muscle, but you cannot TURN fat into muscle, plain in simple. Now does it make sense? Ill bet it does!
So now the question is, how to change the look of your body? How to you create that sexy beach body that so many people are after? You would like to get rid of unwanted fat and gain the ever so sex appealing muscle,right? In other words, you want to change, or build, your physique.
There are two basic ways to do this:
  • (a) Cardiovascular exercise that burns stored fat.
  • (b) Lifting and resistance exercise that builds muscle.
Yes, the two go hand in hand but one does not turn into the other.
To get the best of both worlds, you have to engage in both of these activities. For example, lets say you have a body thats shaped like a pear and you dont like it. Right away what pops into your head is the fact that "Man, I gotta lose weight." And you are 100% right, you do have to lose weight. BUT, if all you do is lose weight, youll still look like a pear, but a skinny pear. Get it?
Now comes the building muscle phase of the process. Oh, Im not talking an Arnold type of body, but one that is toned and fit, thats all. You can find plenty of ways to do this by listening to the Fitness Pros when they talk about it. You build muscle by USING muscle. What a concept, eh? Ive written about resistance muscle building thing in the past, and Im sure Ill write more about it again soon.
But for now, understand that turning that unwanted fat into muscle just cannot happen, got it?
Hey, by the way, do you ever listen to other Fitness Professionals? Whether it be with weight loss, muscle building, toning your body, being sexy over forty?
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healthy diet for weight loss

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